Archive 2013

The 6th Conference Driver Assistance on the subject The way to automatic drivingtakes place during 28.11.-29.11.2013 in Munich. TheiQST GmbH is involved with her presentation on “Safeguarding testing of semi- and highly automated driver assistance systems on public roads based on ISO 26262”.
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In the period from the 17.09.-19.09.2013, the 5th EUROFORUM Conference on the subject ISO 26262 – How the New Norm Affects Safety-Relevant Electrical/Electronic Vehicle Systems took place in Stuttgart, Germany. The iQST GmbH was represented with her post “A structured approach to the full identification of hazards according to ISO 26262″ as an expert.
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The next date for the symposium AAET (Automation systems, Assistance systems and embedded systems for Transport) is already fixed. It takes place in the period from 6th to 7th of February 2013 in Braunschweig. The symposium will consider electronic systems and its interactions to enhance safety, functionality and comfort of transport.
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